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Our products - Ohh-Med




The new VerticaPlus supercharges the benefits of the Vertica with the addition of the VerticaPlus App which adds enhanced user experience with ongoing treatment feedback, guided tutorials, and personalized parameters.

Ohh-Med is a dynamic company focusing in the field of urology and a range of expanding indications . We develop our products together with experts in advanced technologies to expand our product portfolio to position Ohh-Med as a global leader in the field of men's sexual health.



Based on Ohh-Med’s patented radiofrequency technology, Vertica is the company’s first commercial device. Thousands of users around the world are using Vertica to improve their erectile function.


Designed to improve erectile function and treat erectile dysfunction, Vertica is a sleek, compact, safe and effective device used in the comfort of the home. It is intended for use both by men experiencing erectile difficulties, and those wishing to optimize erectile function and prevent ED due to erectile mechanism degradation in the erectile tissues.


Vertica was developed by experts in radiofrequency technology to address a significant unmet need in the male sexual health market - the need for an effective and long-lasting solution to improve erectile function. Vertica is non-invasive, does not require a prescription and has no side effects.



Vertica PRO provides urologists and clinicians with a multi-purpose medical device to treat a growing range of urological indications, such as Peyronie's disease, post-radical prostatectomy rehabilitation, and more.

Vertica PRO
Vertica Spa Product


A medical device designed for professional use in clinics specializing in treating various indications in urology for men's health. This version consists of a built-in charging mechanism and personal treatment rings for multiple patients. 

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